Tuesday, July 12, 2022

🟥 Slowly slowly catchy monkey! Uber was always watching you 👀

Uber facing questions over how it knew Transport for London boss used app!

The former London transport commissioner Sir Peter Hendy has questioned whether Uber unlawfully accessed his journey records after the Guardian revealed leaked company files contained a reference to trips he had taken on the app.

Hendy’s name was included on an “outreach grid” of Uber’s key lobbying targets, including Boris Johnson, the then mayor of London, contained in the Uber files, a leak of data to the Guardian.

The files also reveal how a senior London employee used a surveillance tool codenamed “Heaven” and “God View” to track the journey of a colleague. The app allowed Uber staff to monitor movements of people travelling in an Uber vehicle.

Full article here:



TfL must have known about the 'Heaven'/'God View’ program that could spy on the movements of customers and yet they still carried on using the app and even had a link to the app on their in-house website. 

It’s no secret that Sir Peter was having an unsavoury affair with a sex worker Rachael Grundy it was all over the news.

Perhaps he’s now worried that this could be dragged up into the MSM again?

So what is/was God View?

"God View" was a tool, which allowed employees to access and track the location of Uber riders and customers without obtaining permission. 

In 2014, one high-up Uber executive was found to have monitored the rider logs and location of a BuzzFeed News reporter without her knowledge. 

Subsequent reports on the incident led Uber to investigate and eventually discipline the employee, but also got the attention of lawmakers. 

As a result of New York's investigation, Uber had to pay a $20,000 fine, which amounts to less than a slap on the wrist for a company with Uber's soaring valuation.

A question that needs to be asked is: Were Uber using God View program to put pressure on TfL directors to keep the app licensed in London?

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