Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Taxi Charity for Military Veterans Receives Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

Today, 2nd of June 2021, a list of The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS) Awardees was published in ‘The Gazette’...and on the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport homepage, the list included the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans.

Volunteers, Seb Philp with Bill Gladden, Danny Shelton with Bert Holmshaw, Joseph Theodore with Chelsea Pensioners 


The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, is thrilled to have been awarded the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. 

The Charity has been supporting veterans since 1948 and the London Black Cab drivers who volunteer are immensely proud to have been recognised with the QAVS for providing social events and commemorative trips for veterans to combat loneliness and isolation. 

The QAVS is the MBE for volunteer groups and is awarded for life.


The Taxi Charity is run by volunteer London Black Taxi drivers and has been supporting thousands of veterans of all ages since 1948. 

The charity arranges free trips to the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, for acts of commemoration and days out to museums, concerts, or fundraising events in the UK, to catch up with friends and comrades.

For the last twelve months, pandemic restrictions meant their events have had to be cancelled. 

Volunteer Brian Heffernan with Cyril Banks


The Charity has worked tirelessly to ensure that veterans received regular contact by sending a greeting card each month, gifts to mark the 75th anniversaries of VE and VJ Day, stockings at Christmas and arranging Guards of Honour at veterans’ funerals. 

Volunteers have also helped with regular phone calls, food shopping, transport to hospital appointments, and more recently taking veterans for their Coronavirus injections.


Ian Parsons, Chairman, The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, said, “This is a very proud moment for the Taxi Charity and the London black cab trade. The COVID pandemic has been a uniquely challenging period and I’m glad our response provided comfort to our veterans, especially those living alone and feeling isolated.

We would like to thank all our volunteers who have worked so hard and whose efforts helped us win this prestigious award.”

Volunteer and Chairman Ian Parsons with Marie Scott


Dave Hemstead, London Cabbie and Taxi Charity volunteer, said, “This is an amazing day for The Taxi Charity and for all the generous London cabbies who give up their time to support this wonderful charity. 

Volunteering is an absolute pleasure, and we are very lucky to form special lifelong friendships with the veterans the charity supports. It is a real honour to receive this award, but it is also an honour to be able to call so many veterans our friends.”

Volunteer Dave Hemstead with Roy Cadman

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