Thursday, June 03, 2021

New Law On Cycle Lane With Solid White Line. Taxi Trade Needs Clarity

From the 22nd of June (we were told) local authorities would be given new powers by the DfT, to issue penalty tickets, in respect to misuse of cycle lanes.....

Local councils could use enforcement cameras to issue fixed penalty fines to drivers parking illegally in cycle lanes.

Fines of up to £130 may be issued in London to drivers parked/stopped on cycle lanes marked out with unbroken white lines.

Remember this when dropping passengers, picking up booked jobs or assisting disabled passengers. 


Are Taxis expected to drop/pick up passengers in the middle of the road, beside the cycle lane...holding up motor traffic?

What happens when a cyclist, not looking where they’re going, smashes into an open door?

If you are a member of an Org or Union, why not ask them what provision have they made with local councils and TfL in respect of dropping off or picking up passengers???


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