Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Tale Of Two Cities...Or...What the Dickens Has Happened To London

It is with out doubt, an indisputable fact that if you are a licensed Taxi driver, working in the city of Paris, you will feel blessed to have such a brilliant Mayor... who knows what she’s doing and isn’t pushing through her own vanity projects, but doing what’s best for your trade and for Parisians as a whole. 

We need a Mayor like Anne Hidalgo

This below from our friend the FrenchTaxi on Twitter:

The Mayor of Paris is planning to turn central Paris (district 1 to 6)  into a large LTN / car-free zone.  

But local residents, TAXIS, craftmen's vehicles, local businesses vehicles and disabled people will still have full and unrestricted access. 

But...PHVs won't.

There are mixed feelings in Paris about Mayor Anne Hidalgo overall, but she and her Deputy Mayor  David Belliard (in charge of Transport)  both heavily support the Parisian Taxis.

The central Paris area concerned about this new ZTL (which is LTN in french) is quite large - maybe the equivalent of the area inside the Circle Line tube in London. District 5 and 6 are actually not (yet) included.

The project  was first announced to the Parisians for the first time about 2 and 1/2 years ago. It’s now May 2021 and still being discussed and defined in every details. The scheme will be presented to the public in October 2021. 

It will then be implemented during the 1st quarter of 2022

Meanwhile in Khan’s London 

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