Sunday, March 21, 2021

Another Person Dies After LTN Delays Ambulance, Full Article.

Calls for review of road closures after paramedics blocked from 999 emergency by fixed bollard

Paramedics responding to a heart attack were blocked by a new 'fixed bollard' installed in an Oxfordshire low traffic neighbourhood

The family of a man who died after an ambulance was delayed by road closures introduced as part of Grant Shapps’s “green transport revolution” has warned others will perish if emergency services are barred full access to streets.

The South Central Ambulance Service has launched an investigation after a crew struggled to reach a dying pensioner because its route was blocked by a bollard and two planters.

The “fixed bollard” in Cowley, Oxfordshire, is one of three barricades in the area which paramedics cannot unlock or collapse to drive past. It means emergency services have to rely on up to date satellite navigation systems to route them around the new barriers.

The crew was called to Littlemore Road last Sunday after the 87-year-old grandfather suffered a suspected heart attack. Oxfordshire County Council had only recently fitted the bollard forcing the paramedics to turn round and make a detour. The crew  failed to meet their target response time.

Although the delay did not contribute to the death of the patient, his son and daughter-in-law warned others could die if entire roads are closed with fixed bollards.

The son, who wanted to remain anonymous, said he was “deeply concerned” by the use of bollards in ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ (LTNs) that cannot be removed by paramedics in an emergency. 

“When I saw council engineers install them earlier this month, I asked what access emergency services would have,” he said. 

“They said fire, ambulance and police would be given keys to unlock the bollards. But I now know that is not the case. I asked because we have called an ambulance on a number of occasions due to my father’s condition.

“It would be tragic if lessons were not learned and this happened again. I’m worried because of the elderly community here - such delays could mean the difference between life and death.”

He accepted his father’s death could not have been prevented even if the paramedics had not been forced to take a detour, but wants the council to reconsider the use of permanent bollards. 

David Henwood, independent councillor for Cowley, has called for an urgent review into the use of “immovable bollards”, warning they pose a “serious threat to life”.

“It’s absolutely insane. It is imperative emergency services have unfettered access throughout LTNs.

“Someone has made a terrible decision to use a bollard that paramedics cannot unlock and remove.”

Mark Ainsworth, Director of Operations at South Central Ambulance Service, said the crew failed to meet the national target of under seven minutes for a ‘Category 1’ callout. He said the crew took nine minutes, meaning “it did, however, meet the national response target of responding to Category 1 calls in nine times out of 10 within 15 minutes.”

He said the crew followed “a route that was impassable due to the recently introduced LTN scheme in the area.”

He said “in this instance, the delay did not affect the outcome for the patient”, adding how they were supportive of LTNs.  

The investigation will focus on whether the paramedic’s mapping software was either not up to date or faulty, or whether the crew wrongly believed the route was open to emergency services.

A county council spokesman said all emergency services were consulted about the 14 road closures across three LTNS funded by £2.9 million of Government cash, and they “expressed no concerns”.

He added that the council “constantly updates the emergency services and others as regards road closures such as LTN, including the one in Cowley.”

He confirmed that there are three “fixed bollards” which are “not lockable or collapsible” within their LTNs. 

Since May, the Government has given £425 million to councils to create LTNs, which are introduced without public consultation and are meant to promote walking and cycling. 

The Telegraph has found through Freedom of Information requests numerous cases where ambulances have reported delays after encountering newly closed roads introduced as LTNs.

Source : Telegraph 

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