Saturday, January 30, 2021

Has Will Norman finally been caught with his Lycra pants around his ankles?

Will Norman publishes his latest set of fanciful statistics...but have they been manipulated ??

The London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s Cycling Czar Will Norman, has just published a graph on Sicial media that would be best placed on Dave’s Live at the Apollo. 

The first ‘stat’ (according to Norman) that need closer scrutiny is that “More children are cycling to school”. 

How can this be the schools are closed until March!

A fact that Talk Radio’s presenter Cristo Foufos pointed out on his Twitter account. 

The next set of stats is just farcical, a complete set up and typical of the guesstimates that Khan said he got from his experts on pollution, which he published as positive facts!

Wills graph show a time span, between 2018 and 2020....but no actual dates 

There are two lines:

First line is blue and is said to show data from a controlled site. 

The other line is red and labelled as a “modular filter site”.


Control site shows just 6% cycle increase in the alleged two year time span, but the Modular filter site, amazingly (in the same period) shows an increase of 94%.

How are these two sites showing such different percentages. 

First what Exactly is a modular filter site ?

We took the trouble to look this up, and it turns out to be a site that can be moved at any time and is not static as with a controlled site. 

This would enable the data collectors to manipulate the findings by moving the counting process to different areas at different times during the counting period. It would then be possible to include the same cyclists, spotted at different locations, multiple times in the count, therefore greatly adding to the total sightings. 


Has Will shot him self in the foot with this laughable graph ???

We’ve all seen the empty cycle lanes with our own eyes Will....

We don’t need fake statistics to tell us it’s all working nicely because it isn’t...This whole issue, along with your salary, has been an enormous misuse of taxpayers money, which has added greatly to the almost bankrupting of TfL. 

Also Will, after last weeks high court verdict from Mrs Justice Lang, you may have to send more of TfL’s cash ripping up some of the worst segregated cycle lanes that have been implemented unlawfully... according to the equalities act. And Will...that not a guesstimate. 

Our advice Will, you should go and play Monopoly with the deputy mayor and leave the gathering of true statistics to proper experts. 


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