Sunday, January 24, 2021

Council In Disarray Over Next Move With Unlawful Low Traffic Neighbourhood Restrictions

This was the scene in Ealing’s LTN 21 yesterday!

After last the high court verdict this week, where Judge Lang pronounced recent LTN restrictions to be against the equalities act and unlawful, councils around London are now considering what their next steps will be. 

 This week in Ealing, residents received a letter informing residents on a new start date (17th February) with no reference to any of the other publicised dates, or why there has been a delay !!!

Meanwhile, over in Harrow:

In Harrow, there is so much confusion about camera enforcement, as the unsightly planters that have stopped emergency vehicles in their tracks and added to response times, are due for removal, to be replaced by camera enforcement (always been on the cards as it’s never been about safety or greener streets, it’s always been about the money).


Also, we’ve been informed that a certain Harrow councillor Cllr Varsha Parmar, has stepped away from the LTN fiasco, four months after implementing, due to an alleged conflict of interest, as her PARTNER works for TFL !!!


This image above, has appeared on social media and also in local resident’s groups 

Is this any way to run a traffic management scheme?

But then, TfL’s finger prints were aLways all over this...


Does TalkRadio get its Low Traffic Neighbourhood and Cycling experts from the same pack as Sadiq Khan’s experts on pollution???

Not only, but also....

What’s happened with the Deputy Mayor for Transport Heidi Alexandra and the Cycling Czar Will Norman since the High Court verdict ????

Not a word and conspicuous by their absence!!!

Also, contra to MAMIL belief, not all cyclist are in favour of the LTN’s which are creating elitist enclaves, and pushing pollution into the main roads. 



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