Friday, December 04, 2020

Trade’s Zoom Meeting With TfL To Discuss CCTV In Taxis: by Grant Davis Chair Of LCDC

Today I represented the LCDC in a zoom meeting with senior TFL staff and also some main players in the Capitals PH sector to discuss the future plans / consultation around the instillation of CCTV in both taxis and private hire.

This was on the back of the recently published DFT “task and finish” report and centred around the safeguarding aspect following on from the grooming gang scandals around the UK where the main players all drove taxis.

They gave us a brief rundown

Of costs.

System - £650 average

Instillation- £160

Replaced every 5 years

Data storage charge - £20 p month 

All this crap whilst the trade is in the floor. My members would be happy that I made all the points about the state of the trade, too much money, needed hard evidence taxis were responsible for attacks in their vehicles to sanction this even being implemented.

I am very happy to inform you that all the taxi reps agreed that we should NOT be having to have these fitted and secondly, now was NOT the time for this conversation even to be had giving the current climate financially. I cannot understand TFL at all


If they want us to have this, then let TfL pay for it

We are not a police force, it’s not our job to spy on our passengers 

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