Saturday, December 05, 2020

Out Of Control Khan Accused Of 'Cronyism' ...Plus Why Are We Paying For A GLA With No Power

Sadiq Khan has been accused of 'cronyism' as it emerges in the media that TfL chiefs' £8.3m bonuses were agreed by his deputy, just WEEKS before going to the government, cap in hand, for a billion pound bailout. 

Days before the first coronavirus lockdown in March, Deputy London Mayor Heidi Alexander agreed to pay management at Transport for London approximately £8.3million in bonuses. She also approved seven new roles with salaries of more than £100,000 each.

The payments were agreed on March 11 despite TfL already seeing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on services.

Weeks later it was announced the Government was to bail out the transport network in London due to its high level of debts.

TfL employees earning more than £100,000 a year has increased by nearly 100 to 557 since Sadiq Khan took office and the bill for the six-figure salaries has increased by 15.8 percent to an eye-watering £73million.


Is it now time to redesign the office of London Mayor and the GLA, as the present system is obviously not working. 

It would appear that the office of London Mayor has moved on from being a democratic post, to one of a chumocracy, where huge bonuses are being paid out to failures. It has also been alleged that contracts have been awarded without going out to tender. 

A controversial night time Czar on full wages, even though London’s night time entertainment was on lockdown. 

Worst of all, we’ve had to suffer a deputy Mayor for transport who admitted knowing nothing about transport when she almost doubled her salary in switching to the role, working under Khan. 

Plus....we appear to have a Greater London Authority, that has no powers whatsoever in reigning back an out of control Mayor, who’s personal vanity projects have not only bankrupt Transport for London, but virtually killed off the capitals business community and in the process, discriminated against the elderly and disabled.  

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