Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Drivers, Residents and Businesses Are Being Bombarded With Fake Statistics From Khan’s Experts, Well Known In The Past For Their “Guesstimates”.

Because of the growing backlash and complaints from drivers, residents and businesses, Sadiq Khan’s PR team and his StreetSpace department at TfL are bombarding the press with fake news and massaged statistics.

Drivers used to staring at empty segregated cycle lanes, couldn’t believe their eyes this morning with the headlines: Cycling and walking now make up more than 1 in 3 trips in London in wake of coronavirus.

The Evening Standard's Ross Lydall, published this headline last night: 
London’s toxic air levels plunge by 94% — as walking and cycling up across capital, TfL report reveals Low-emission bus zones and the ultra-low emission zone in central London have contributed to the change.

But, It is our belief that the report this article in the standard is actually based on, is not the DOT 25 page report, published at th beginning of December (that stated pollution levels had only plummeted in Wandsworth once the LTN restrictions were removed, allowing traffic to move more freely) but a TfL report with massaged statistics. 

What is it they say....."Lies, damned lies, and statistics". A phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point. Wikipedia

Helen Cansick, head of streetspace delivery at TfL, said: “This new data shows just how important walking and cycling have been in helping Londoners stay healthy and safe.

Funny though, Helen failed in every article pushed out to the main stream media, to mention where this report came from and who compiled these statistics. 

Was it not Sadiq Khan’s so called experts who once claimed that London Taxis were responsible for over 40% of London’s toxic pollution?
A statement, when questioned by the GLA, Khan later claimed was in fact just a guesstimate. 
Are these new statistics just guesstimates???

Local news papers have also been bombarded with statements from TfL’s StreetSpace department but instead have posted articles led by concerns of their local residents.

For example, the Islington Gazette had the headline “Gridlocked traffic and pollution caused by TfL’s banned right turn”.

According to Carlton Reid's article in Forbes, Sadiq Khans Cycling Czar Will Norman iis furious over reports that Boris Bikes may be scrapped by TfL. 
"Ripping out Boris Bikes would be insane" said Norman about the £20m a year loss making vanity project. 

Norman wants the Government to subsidise this massive money pit/vanity project from the consolidated fund the government holds from Vehicle Excise Duty. 

So basically, Will Norman wants the motorists he's spent the last 5 years attacking, to subsidise the incredibly expensive pipe dream which is currently causing massive congestion and excessive pollution.

A quick question:
What do you see as the end game with Boris Bikes. .
Could it be, we are being set up as they herald a new cycling saviour in the form of Uber Bikes?
We have already seen Uber Boat Clippers on the Thames, we will soon see the introduction of Uber e-scooters albeit under an assumed name....in our opinion, it's just a matter of time before we see Uber Bikes. 

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