Thursday, July 02, 2020

Warning...Groups Operating Trying To Pay With Fake £50 Notes.

We’ve had reports that there are several gangs, currently targeting London Taxi drivers, offering to pay for short journeys with £50 notes.

One of our Facebook members has managed to get fantastic footage on his dash cam of two of these men who tried to tender the counterfeit currency. The actual footage clearly shows these two men, with an envelope stuffed full of the fake notes.

This is a terrible time to be scammed by these people, it’s hard enough trying to find custom without being tricked out of your takings by this scum. 

So, if you are working, please be extra vigilant.

Personally, I wouldn’t be accepting cash for rides at the moment because of the virus transition risk. I would only be acceptI got card payments. 

That way, even if the card was stolen, I would still be paid. 

I use a credit card transaction company that doesn’t claim 'payback' should a dispute arise over the fare. 

Worst company for payback is pay-pal (who also have £1/2bn share  in Uber). 

Although at first glance they appear to be cheap, in the long run, they are acting against the trade and your future. 

See video hear

It’s well worth the effort to acquire one of these counterfeit note, ultra violet key ring lights. 

There are a number available and they range in price from a whopping £98 plus VAT to a cheap as chips £5:11 inclusive 
Click link below to purchase a more reasonable priced key ring light.   

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