Sunday, June 28, 2020

Not So Very Local Councillors... Plus Jobs For The Boys (And Girls)

FOI response reveals surprising statistics about where Camden’s Councillors and employees live.

After the popularity of the post *How Can Our Local Politicians Represent Us If They Are Not Local???  revealed that less than half of Bloomsbury’s councillors actually live in Bloomsbury, with one living in Morden, I decided to do some further research into just how local our local authority is.

One problem that those in Bloomsbury often face is that schemes are dreamed up for the area by those living miles away, with no real local knowledge or understanding. To add insult to injury, these individuals are very rarely at all interested in the local knowledge held by residents and businesses.

So where do Camden’s employees live? How many of them live in Camden itself, and how many of them live south of Euston Road?

One Statistic to Rule Them All…
A Freedom of Information request led to some rather unusual but revealing statistics.

I first asked how many of Camden’s employees live in Camden itself. The employees considered did not include contractor employees such as those working for Veolia.

Camden employ the number of 4278 employees directly.
But only 655 of them live in Camden.
Just over 15%.

No information was revealed as to where the employees outside of Camden live. But the whereabouts of employees living in Camden was broken down by ward, as per my request.

So how many live south of Euston Road?
Just 1, apparently.

Only one Camden employee lives in Bloomsbury, out of the total of 4278. Just over 0%.
We are seeking clarification on this surprising statistic, although the numbers provided do ‘add up’. This employee lives in the Bloomsbury ward, while no employees at all live in the King’s Cross or Holborn and Covent Garden wards, apparently.

Along with the conspicuous lack of councillors living in the area, perhaps this statistic goes some way to explaining the short-sightedness of all proposals in the area.

Some Consolation
In the request I also asked for the whereabouts of all councillors to ascertain whether any councillors serving wards outside of Bloomsbury live in Bloomsbury.

Thankfully there are a few. The following councillors do live in the area:
Maryam Eslamdoust (Mayor)
King’s Cross
Thomas Gardiner
King’s Cross
Ranjit Singh
Holborn and Covent Garden

This post was made by a resident of Queen Alexandra Mansions, in Bloomsbury, who is also a committee member of Bloomsbury Residents' Action Group and of the Bloomsbury Conservation Areas Advisory Committee, each working to protect residents and heritage in Bloomsbury. 

It appears that councillors in Camden are willing to cause massive disruption and gridlock in an area which they don’t live in. 

Same with certain consultations, where people from as far away as Durham, Newcastle and Manchester have voted on cycling schemes in London. 

The Mayor and his deputies close there eyes to these scandalous consultations because it fits with their agenda. 

Other aspects of these local council and TfL schemes need to be publicly investigated. 

We’ve seen councillors, push forward segregated cycle schemes, and then reappear as CEO’s of cargo bike companies. 

And now after TfL refused to relicense Uber on safety grounds, TfL’s senior safety manager suddenly gets a job as senior safety manager for Uber. How very convenient as Uber attempt to regain their licence.  

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