Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Surrey County Council scraps Reigate cycle lane following weekend of 'traffic mayhem', while TfL add to the Chaos

A video emerged over the weekend showing an ambulance with flashing lights struggling to pass through the town centre

Similar videos have previously emerged showing similar events on Midland and Euston Roads... but they’ve been ignored completely by Sadiq Khan, TfL and Camden Council.

Surrey County Council (SCC) is scrapping town centre transport measures it introduced to cope with a surge in walkers and cyclists during lockdown after a weekend of "traffic mayhem".

A new cycle lane and wider pavements, trialled in Reigate from July 3, was put into place along the High Street, part of Bell Street and part of Church Street, linking on to the existing cycle path.

Loading bays were also suspended to give more space to pedestrians, the council said. The roads became single lane with a suggested 20mph speed limit.

However, residents and traders quickly raised deep concerns over the way they appeared to be introduced without consultation.

Businesses questioned how deliveries would work without loading bays, and there was concern that the measures would narrow an existing traffic pinch point at the end of Bell Street.

Over the weekend these predictions came to light when photos emerged on Sunday (July 5) of heavy traffic through the High Street, and an ambulance was filmed trapped in a queue, despite its flashing lights.

After a visit to the town centre on Saturday (July 4), Reigate MP Crispin Blunt wrote that he was "appalled" at the "predicted travel chaos". 

Leader of SCC Tim Oliver and cabinet member for highways Cllr Matt Furniss also reportedly visited the scene.
On Monday (July 6), Cllr Furniss confirmed the cycle lane is to be scrapped. 

He said: "While many people supported the trial of a cycle lane and wider pavements in Reigate, it became clear over the weekend that these measures were not right for this location.

"We have listened and the barriers will now be taken away."
Mr Blunt said he was pleased that concerns from local councillors, local businesses, private individual road users, pedestrians and cyclists had been recognised.

'Absolutely horrified'
The changes attracted criticism over the weekend with one lady saying the measures discouraged her from visiting the town centre.

Anna McKinney wrote to SurreyLive: "Absolutely horrified at the clumsy and ill-thought out changes to Reigate town centre.
"Reigate roads are already busy and frequently queued back to Woodhatch. These changes which I understand had no consultation period will be a disaster.

"Cars waiting and parking on the high street, the regular level crossing queues, emergency vehicles trying to get past with nowhere for motorists to get out of the way. What are they thinking of?

"Having experienced the queues today - Sunday - I am confident that Reigate will become a ‘no go’ area.

"I thought the idea was to encourage shoppers to use the high street businesses. These changes will ensure shoppers will look elsewhere for their shopping.

"I certainly will, as I don’t have the time to spend an hour in queues. I shall use the country lanes and small residential roads to avoid this. I am sure I will not be alone."

One Reigate resident said the measures put more pressure on businesses already struggling in the pandemic.

Bertrand Sourdat said: "The cycle lane created in Reigate Town centre on July 4 on Church Street and on the High Street in Reigate is causing traffic mayhem and was never required."    


Ambulances trapped in queues
There was also concern that emergency vehicles were being slowed down amid the measures.

Ian Hawkins said: "I sauntered the entire length of the High Street, Church Street and Bell Street on a quiet Saturday morning when traffic is relatively quiet and recreational cycling at its peak and observed a total of seven cyclists of whom two were not using the cycle lanes; light traffic flowing far slower and two ambulances held up by there being only one lane in the High Street, despite their blue lights flashing."

Cllr Furniss' full statement
"I would like to thank everyone who has got in touch on the trial we are conducting in Reigate.
"We have certainly started the conversation on how to tackle the issues of traveling around the town.

"We need to work together to make these small and potentially larger changes to tackle congestion and promote walking and cycling.

"We have been clear from the start that this is a trial and we will be making adjustments as we go through to find a balance for all users of the highway.

"While many people supported the trial of a cycle lane and wider pavements in Reigate, it became clear over the weekend that these measures were not right for this location.

"We have listened and the barriers will now be taken away. We have learned some valuable lessons this weekend, and will use this experience as we design new and innovative schemes to support social distancing and greener travel both in Reigate and across the county.

"We continue to trial having improved signage and additional parking for cyclists in Reigate, alongside an advisory 20mph speed limit.

Source : GetSurrey.co.uk 


MEANWHILE IN CENTRAL LONDON!!! Where there was once, free moving traffic, TfL and Sadiq Khan have created gridlock, causing dangerous levels of pollution which could result in premature deaths of the residents of Kensington and Fulham. 

Ambulances, and other emergency vehicles will be held up in this Khanage. 

Has this man got a personal vendetta against us ???


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