Friday, July 10, 2020

And It’s All Set To Get Much Worse, As Royal Parks Announce Closures.

Drivers could be banned from using the Royal Parks as shortcuts during the rush hour under plans to preserve them as a “refuge” from city life.

Closing the park to motorists during the busiest times of day, will just add to the gridlock on other roads...another instance of ‘not in my back yard’, bought about by the middle aged men in Lycra (MAMILs)

Park chiefs want to “discourage” commuters from driving through the eight Royal Parks, which include Regent’s Park (outer and inner circles), Hyde Park (North Carriage Road) and Richmond Park. 

The charity that runs the parks is consulting Londoners on a long-term “movement strategy” and says that all options, from partial or full road closures to speed humps and speed restrictions, are on the table.

It has set out seven guiding principles that “prioritise walking ... and discourage the through-movement of motor vehicles”.  

These state: “Our park roads are not intended to be commuter through-routes for motor vehicles.”

You can see from their statement who is influencing these measure:
Visitors to Regent’s Park face frequent problems crossing roads due to levels of traffic. 

Cyclists, many of whom use the park for fitness training, complain of being intimidated or hit by cars.

Speeding vehicles are also a problem in Regent’s Park, and prompted the now-abandoned attempts to build the segregated CS11 cycle superhighway.

It appears the cycle lobby are behind these new measures. 

Again, there has been no regard to disabled or aged travellers who cannot cycle or walk. Blatant discrimination. 

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