Friday, May 15, 2020

Mayor Khan Has His Powers Stripped... Whitehall Takes Control Of TfL

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, last night had his sole decision making powers over transport in London stripped from him, because of the deep incompetence he has shown.

Khan is now Mayor in name only. Unfortunately the residents of London will have to wait till 2021 to take that away from him. 

Mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey said :
This is good news for Londoners, for our economy and for the future of TfL

And I thoroughly welcome Gov representation on TfL's board, and a review of their finances

The Mayor has failed to manage TfL's budget. These bailout conditions will limit any further damage he can cause.

Former Deputy Chairman of TfL Daniel Moylan said:
The sooner TfL issues a s114 notice so that the govt can take it away from Sadiq Khan and send in commissioners to run it for now, the better. No more blackmail.

Campaign consultant and film maker Alex Crowley said: 
Now that Khan has nothing to do...why are we paying him?

MP James Cleverly said:
The government has been forced to bail out TFL and strip the Mayor of his sole decision making powers over transport. 

Khan has shown he wanted the job title but not the job, displaying a complete lack of interest in the good governance of London.

The London Taxi trade will breath a sigh of relief as now is a perfect time for our trade orgs and unions, to secure our future by putting us back into London’s transport strategy. 

We are a unique trade, 100% wheelchair accessible, fully trained in the topography of London with all drivers criminal record thoroughly checked and medically fit. 

The service we offer is recognised world wide as the best Taxi service in the world. 
We now need a Mayor who recognised these qualities. 

Some people just don’t realise when the time has come for them to go...will Khan try to cling on by his finger tips to his well paid office or will he resign?

But it’s not only Khan who should shoulder the blame for bankrupting TfL!!!
Let’s not forget that TfL (a Private company, wholly owned by the government) is also run by an extremely well paid Commissioner (taking home over £500k last year) and an army of directors and managers....560 on over £100k plus bonuses and 40 on over £150k+.

Also while we are talking about these huge salaries perhaps it’s time to examine the wage bill for the mayoral team including deputy mayors earning double what the Prime Minister pockets.  

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