Thursday, May 14, 2020

While We Slept, The Middle Aged Men In Lycra Advanced Their Agenda Against Us

If someone said "this is the best news to wake up to"...what would you personally think they would add to that?
There has been no more deaths from COVID19 !
They have found a vaccine for coronavirus !
We can all return to normal !
The pandemic is now officially over ! 

Not in Deputy Mayor for Transport Heidi (I know nothing about transport) Alexander's mind.....she thought it was the best news ever that while we all slept, TfL in league with Sadiq Khan's StreetSafe Scheme, covertly implemented a scheme where road space going northbound was halved in order for pedestrians and cyclists could pass each other keeping to the social distancing rule. 

With Khan's TfL going to the government, cap in hand, for a £4 billion bale out....much tax payers money is being wasted on these vanity schemes designed to please a small group of middle aged men in Lycra (MAMIL). 

Did it escape their tunnel vision that to the left of this restriction is 350 acres of Hyde Park where people can pass each other hundreds of yards apart???

Is the funding for this to be added to TfL's £2billion overdraft?

Also, how enforceable is this?
Perhaps Heidi Alexander could publish the traffic management order !!! 

We have already posted a suggestion that we believe is totally workable.

Make the pavements single directional !!!
Let’s make the west side of Park Lane north bound only, and the east side south bound only. This system is free of charge and would not add to TfL's crippling debt. 

Also what about disabled passengers who wish to be dropped on Park Lane, in Heidi Alexander’s and a Will Norman’s brave new disabled people have no rights whatsoever ??? 

Also coming soon to the square mile 

Should the Taxi trade refuse to take part in the Lord Mayors Show this year, after the way we have been side lined by the City of London Corporation ???

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