Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Uber Driver Faces Brighton Court Charged With Raping Woman After Christmas Party

So, the driver splashed all over the media as a Brighton Taxi driver, has now been reported to be an Uber driver (there’s a surprise). This allegation was made in the media today by Brighton and Hove News.

A Brighton and Hove private hire driver who works for Uber, has been charged with raping a woman after dropping her home from a work Christmas party.

Ajmal Hazraty, 37, is due to appear in court this morning (Saturday 4 January) charged with two counts of raping the 31-year-old woman.
He is alleged to have raped her twice at her flat in Worthing in the early hours of Saturday 21 December.

Sussex Police said: “A man has been charged with raping a woman at an address in Worthing on (Saturday) 21 December.

“Ajmal Hazraty, 37, an Uber driver, of Haven Way, Newhaven, is due to appear in custody at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on Saturday (4 January) charged with two offences of raping the 31-year-old woman at her flat in Worthing in the early hours of Saturday 21 December.
“The charge, authorised by the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service), follows an investigation by detectives from the West Sussex Safeguarding Investigations Unit.”

The attack is alleged to have happened after the victim was picked up in Western Road, close to the junction with Queen Square, at around 1.30am on the Saturday before Christmas.

Two days after the alleged attack Detective Inspector Steve Cobbett said: “This is a highly distressing incident and the victim has been seen and supported by specially trained officers from our Safeguarding Investigations Unit.”

There are a few inconsistencies in these media reports...the Argus says he is a Taxi driver while the BH News says he’s an Uber driver. 
We have recently uncovered that the driver involved had a dual licence (Hackney and PH) but had his licence revoked. 

We will update this information as soon as we get confirmation.

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