Sunday, January 07, 2018

Press Statement From PointCab After Fridays Meeting With PM Theresa May

On Friday 5th of January 2018, a meeting took place with the Prime Minister Theresa May. During the meeting, Mrs May was informed of the necessity to grant a full Statutory Public Inquiry into how and why @TfL licensed.

Following the meeting with the Prime Minister on Friday 5th January, she will respond in writing to these requests put to her below. would like to especially thank @paulkelly70041@TootlestheTaxi and @oldunderground for their hard work and assistance leading up to the meeting with the Prime Minister

The demand for a Public Inquiry into how and why @TfL licensed Uber UK must continue.

If you haven’t already done so, please visit

After Friday’s meeting with the Prime Minister, the pressure needs to continue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great news and well done to you all. Does she have a date for which she has to respond? Looking forward to any and all updates.