Sunday, July 09, 2023

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It seems that Gett_UK are at it again. Can anyone please justify to  popular Scottish Comedian Janey Godley, why this fare was so extortionate? 

Janey Tweeted:

Dear @Gett UK you charged me £67 for a cab that had £29 on the meter from Euston to Gloucester Rd tube. 

I won't be using your APP again and I hope everyone reading this knows what charges to expect - thanks for your reply- now deleting the APP - have a great day my friend. 

This was the reply Janey got from Gett UK, after querying the price of £67 she was charged, after the meter fare was just £29.⬇️

Hi Janey,

Thanks for your email.

We have investigated the highlighted order and can see that yes indeed the meter fare was £29.60. 

However, additional charges such as the High Demand fee, Service fee, and Additional fee bring the total to £67.09. 

Many years ago this was called ‘daylight robbery’. 

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How has the trade let this happen?

How can drivers just sit back and let this happen in your name and ruin the reputation of what was once repeatedly voted the best Taxi service in the world?

Janey Godley is a well known comedian with 292,500 Twitter followers. Her tweet has had 3,794 retweets and so far has been read by over 2million.

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