TfL email said: Our vision for Park Lane is that it should be much less dominated by motor traffic and a much less intimating place to be for everyone.
There is a strong case for less motor traffic and more space for walking and cycling along Park Lane including at Hyde Park Corner and Marble Arch. The number of people who will be walking and cycling in London is set to continue to grow in future, and we expect that the number of people cycling in the Park Lane area will grow too.
It is possible for people to cycle along Broad Walk in Hyde Park, parallel to Park Lane, but this can be inconvenient for people on foot using the park, has been the source of potential collisions for years, and is not available 24 hours a day.
Therefore, in the longer term we think that there is a strong case to retain the scheme, but we will hold a consultation before we make that decision.
To be honest, I couldn’t believe what I was reading, considering there is a cycle lane in 350 acres of Hyde Park, running along side. But apparently, that’s too inconvenient for people on foot and closed at night (yes, cause Park Lane is packed with crowds of people walking along it at night…. I don’t think).
The collisions that TfL talk about, are a figment of the warped imagination of the Mayors Cycle zealots.
As for the consultation, we all know that TfL will never take any negativity seriously and just do what they want to do regardless.
I normally say “you couldn’t make this up!” but it definitely looks like they have.
Khan’s efforts so far to make London a greener city have not worked and done precisely the opposite. His cycle lanes and LTN endorsements has created congestion and even more pollution. Yet he continues to spout made up, fake statistics and lies.
London’s businesses are dying under Khan, the city will soon be known as the city of the dead.
But worst of all, Londoners are just sitting back and just accepting this.
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