TfL have put out a consultation about wether the temporary Park Lane segregated cycle Lane should be made permanent.
Again, they have made it as complicated as possible, trying to put people off of completing the consultation..
Already Taxi drivers are taking to social media, saying it’s a waste of time, they are not going to bother, and also complaining that TfL want too many details.
But this is exactly what TfL want….
Remember the words from the late, great, Bob Crow!
He famously said, "if you fight, you may not always win….but if you don’t fight, you will always lose".
He also said, "if you don’t get in the ring, then it’s impossible to win a fight".
And this has been the trouble with Taxi drivers for many years….they won’t get in the ring, and they won’t fight.
So when the Park Lane cycle lane becomes permanent, it will be no one’s fault, but the drivers who couldn’t be bothered to spend 5 minutes filling in the consultation.
By complete coincidence today, the 21st March, is the anniversary of Henry V coming to the thrown. It was he who was alleged to utter the words…"we few, we happy few, we band of brothers".
It’s time that the trade stopped moaning that no one’s doing anything for us, and take it into their own hands.
Step into the ring!
Fight the fight
Become the few, the happy few….become THE band of brothers!
We all know the famous prose by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, "and when they finally came for me….there was no one left to fight for me!!!"
Don’t let Niemöller's words be the final epitaph of the London Taxi trade
People in the mainstream media have today been sent emails stating TfL’s intention to make the Park Lane cycle lane permanent.
They are trying to justify the congestion it’s causing to Park Lane, Knightsbridge and surrounding areas, by lying about the amount of cyclists using the lane.
Again, they make no mention of the cycle lane which runs parallel inside Hyde Park, just a few meters away.
The number quoted is 2400 a day.
This imaginary statistics probably came from the same man who said there are 400 million car journeys every day in London.
Do they really think they can keep getting away with these lies ???
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