The story of a Licensed Taxi Driver of 25+ years , who is not on Twitter has been posted by his friend. It shows how TFL are wasting taxpayers money.
This driver was given a PCN for setting down his passengers on a red route where his passengers, elected to pay the fare by the TFL approved credit card machine. Normal taxi CC transactions take 1-2 min approx to make the transaction and get approval. But he experienced a delay and passengers had to tried 4 times. There card did not get approved and so they eventually paid cash.
His passengers were in his taxi for in excess of at least 6 mins and this he documented to TFL in great detail……but unsurprisingly, they rejected his appeal to the ticket.
TFL said they monitored his taxi for 5mins and saw no activity, so they claimed the PCN was correctly issued. He appealed as legislation for a red route states…."A taxi driver can stop for as long as is necessary for a passenger to board or alight from a taxi?’s not time based.
TfL contested his appeal and sent him 55 pages of their evidence….including a legal president from 2010, which had no relevance to his case as his was about the mandating in 2016.
He scrutinised their evidence and found it completely flawed. So he wrote back to TfL outlining the legal flaws in their evidence.
This time he sent 40 pages of documents to the appeal tribunal….which he then won….because he had complied to legislation.
TFL lost because they had not complied.
The driver then wrote to TFL Customer service manager and demanded compensation of £240, for 8 hours loss of earnings due to the scrutinising and preparation of his defence. He gave them 30days to pay and told them he commence legal action to retrieve the payment.
TfL did not reply, so he went to the small claims court and a £35 court fee was paid.
TfL ignored the court case, so a judgement by default was issued.
The driver then wrote to TFL HQ, telling them "if cheque is not received in 14 days, a bailiff would be instructed at a further cost of £83 to visit them.
This time TfL conceded and a cheque for £275 was received
Is it now time for TFL, with there 28,000 employees, to be broken up an the regulation of everything Taxi and Private Hire given to a body who can regulate according to the Legislation without wasting taxpayers money?
One of the comments on a Taxi group (LCDC) made me laugh😂
Colin Palmer said:
“Imagine if it had got as far as a bailiff… he could have sent John Mason round to Tfl tower's”.
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