Sunday, July 04, 2021

TfL Told To Make Cuts, But There Will Always Be Enough Money To Finance Khan’s Chaos.

TfL will have to shelve ‘significant’ number of schemes under terms of latest government bailout

A ‘significant’ number of schemes will have to be shelved by Transport for London under the terms of its latest Government bailout, according to Sadiq Khan’s top transport aide.

Deputy mayor for transport Heidi Alexander said that Tube station schemes, road maintenance programmes and the speedy roll-out of more cycle lanes were all at risk.

She said the requirement for TfL to make at least £300m of savings this year, to comply with the £1.08bn bailout deal accepted by Mr Khan last month, would make it harder to achieve its long-term aim of getting more Londoners out of their cars.

Full details of the projects to be abandoned are due to emerge over the coming weeks, prior to being agreed by the TfL board on July 28.

“I would be surprised if we went through this process and there were not a significant number of deferrals of individual capital projects,” Ms Alexander told the London Assembly transport committee. “That is the reality that the current funding settlement has created for us.”

Asked whether the cuts would impact on the Mayor’s transport strategy, which seeks by 2041 to have 80 per cent of journeys walked, cycled or taken by public transport, Ms Alexander said they were likely to affect TfL’s ability to rapidly roll-out more safe cycling infrastructure.

She said: “At the moment we are involved in a discussion about which projects we are going to defer. We are still in the foothills of our thinking on this.

“I think the conditions of the funding deal will make it harder to achieve our objectives.”

She said Tube stations that had been severely over capacity pre-pandemic would not be able to be upgraded as quickly as previously hoped.

Work on Crossrail 2 has been suspended and unfunded projects such as the Bakerloo line extension and the Croydon tram extension to Sutton have been kicked into the next decade.


But obviously their will be enough money in the pot to implement transport system designed to cause as much gridlock and polution as possible 

Disabled people will still be disregarded in any future transport systems and or course, there will always be enough money for Sadiq Khan’s person PR.

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