Thursday, July 22, 2021

“London Is About To Have An Explosion In Cycling Deaths” Say Singlefile.Org

Fully one quarter of the entire Dutch road system is already segregated specifically for cyclists and yet the Dutch still average twice as many cycling deaths per year as the UK. Meanwhile, a tiny 0.5% of London's 9,360 miles of road system is currently segregated for cyclists. So how can London avoid an increase in the cycling road toll if more cyclists start riding to work? 

The answer is, it can't.

Read the full story here, click link:

Watch this stupid cyclist (Jeremy Vine) put himself arrogantly in danger by undertaking a lorry who was clearly indicating and in the process of turning left. 

Holding himself up as an example, such arrogant and senseless behaviour like this can only lead to more cycling casualties on London’s roads

Such arrogant and senseless behaviour like this can only lead to more cycling casualties on London’s roads

Actually this is the rule 
First, notice the driver did slow down and stop when he realised the idiot on the bike wasn’t going to slow down 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me how siblings can differ so much within a family. In essence how one can be so likeable, witty and fun, whilst another is dour, arrogant and cringeworthy. I wonder if you can guess which example can be applied here🤔!