Thursday, April 29, 2021

Come Along And Join The Mayday Protest Against The Unlawful LTN Restrictions


The Councillors of Islington believe that local residents are beginning to accept their ridiculous road closures, that are causing so much havoc and extra well as totally gridlocking major roads and destroying the quality of the air we all breath. 

Again these councillors have used the pandemic (this time covertly in lockdown) to force their unlawful schemes on the residents. 

This Saturday, the residents will be resuming their residence against these unlawful restriction and the local residents committee are calling for all those against the discriminative measures to demonstrate their feelings to the council.... 1pm outside the town hall. 

Let’s not forget the life changing discrimination towards disabled people in the community!

One committee member said:

If you are a resident, work in the area or just regularly pass through, I cannot emphasise how important it is that as many people as possible turn up. 

The council already think that opposition to the schemes is dissipating. 

Richard Watts personally tweeted that the noise around LTNs had quietened down. (Did lockdown escape his notice???).


We need to make them listen. We need to demonstrate that we are as vocal as ever! 

Last Saturday residents turned out in their thousands to support the call against Low Traffic Neighbourhood restrictions in Ealing.... let’s show them that they are not alone. 


If you care be outside Islington Town Hall this Saturday 1 o’clock.

This demonstration will be Covid compliant and will be open to everyone, across the boroughs who disagree with these unnecessary and highly dangerous restrictions....people have died because of delays to emergency service vehicles.

Come along and meet similar minded people who are not willing to lay down and roll over. 

Don’t leave it to someone else to do the fighting for pastor  Martin Niemöller said :

And when they finally came for me,

There was no one left to fight for me...


Anonymous said...

The only way - as stated - IS to vote them OUT!
The people making these ridiculous decisions (particularly, related to roads) are more dangerous to the general public than if one was persuading individuals to imbibe arsenic or bleach! To explain: take a trip in a vehicle with a passenger and that person desires to stop in Liverpool Road (to name one location of many). That individual then desires- quite within reason- to be dropped off as near as possible to their intended destination (this may be for reasons including; disability, time or just convenience). However, the cretins making decisions have decided it's a good idea to move the parking for residents, several feet away from the kerb to accommodate a cycle lane. Consequently, the said person puts their body at risk of serious injury from a passing cyclist travelling at speed (incidentally I feel the fault is the council's & not the cyclist) or more commonly now the more dangerous idiots on unlicensed electric scooters. (These are now becoming a great danger to the old, infirm & disabled, etc, on pavements as well - why aren't they being arrested!) This situation occurred the other evening to a resident of Liverpool Road, who also informed me that now the road has been narrowed - to accommodate the bike lanes & re-sited parking - several cars have been damaged or struck by vehicles or cyclists. Basically, the following needs to be done: ALL cyclists need registration, lights at night & proper insurance (not the Micky mouse household kind they all quote either but proper road use cover). No cycling or riding of electric scooters whatsoever on pavements & the latter banned until the legalities are sorted. And lastly, drivers of vehicles who don't adhere to proper road useage or endanger cyclists/pedestrians by bad driving or intimidation should be dealt with severely. Basically, this has all been caused by 'a dripping tap syndrome' that has encouraged all road users to keep pushing their luck as much as they can - as there is little fear of being arrested by police (who are always busy doing something else?) or less likely prosecuted! It is though a pipe dream as the authorities (local & national) do not have the gumption to enforce the law & prefer to give in to those who wish, well basically...take the p***!!!

Anonymous said...

I disagree, if residents make enough noise, the council will listen.
It’s happened in Harrow where they announce on Thursday that after listening to the residents, they would be removing all LTNs within the next 5 working days.
They also said, they would be removing all the new cycle lanes but that might take a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

Re disagree comment:
Ah yes, that may well be the case in relation to Harrow but I feel it will never be accepted by those in control of the 'people's republic of Islington' (or; Hackney/Southwark/Lambeth). The inner London boroughs are it seems a law unto themselves and it appears only pay 'lip service' to any consultations or those who do not agree with their so called 'improvement' schemes. Democracy in relation to these authorities is - it appears - a state of non-existence. And people still think that democracy exists in Britain - only in their own minds I sadly believe. However, like many I will stand corrected and humbly accept I am wrong if a miracle should arise & any notice is taken of the majority in these locations. Although, then again there are probably some adults who leave their dentures under the pillow each night for the tooth fairy and are upset when there isn't any coinage left the next morning!!!