Friday, April 16, 2021

Clearing Up The Misunderstanding Of The Feeder Park Entry Fee

There has been a little bit of misunderstanding about the new price hike at Heathrow, and as usual people appear to be pointing the finger at me (New Taxi Leaks....although i’ve misled no one!

So here again is the new feeder park entry fee along with the information I’ve been given by the LCDC Rep. 

Because of the fall in income at the feeder park HAL wanted to recover its losses by putting up the entry price to 10.54 plus VAT that’s £12.64 in total...a staggering increase from £3.60. 

After a Zoom meeting with trade reps, it was decided that the price hike would be spread over a two year period instead of the one and the price would therefore drop to just the £10. That being £8.00 plus VAT. 

Also, the trade will also be hit with a drop off set down price at each terminal of £5.00. This is to be introduced in October 2021.

Taking into consideration the hike is to be bought in to cover the losses of 2020-2021, we have also been informed that HAL may being in another entry fee hike to cover losses for 2021-2022.

This information has been given to me by LCDC airport Rep Toney Casey, who has attended the feeder park consistently unlike some other Orgs reps who are either abroad of have jobs outside the Taxi trade at present. 

With regard to reps at Heathrow, Tony Casey of the LCDC has been there for over 13 months, mostly 24 hours a day.

If anyone wants any further information about gate money figures, or anything else concerning the airport, then JUST ASK HIM.

Tony has attended all meetings with HAL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a pity there aren't more people like Tony in the trade. He must be one of the most undervalued individuals within it. Tony is a person that is 'old school' & will help anybody out (and I mean anyone who he can help) that needs advice or other assistance - even if it means it will cost him time and money. He is no fool though and knows this trade inside out, along with wanting the best for everyone in it to share equally and not just for any individual benefit - unlike some who purport to have the trades interest at heart! It is a great shame that Tony isn't one of the main negotiators for the cab trade as he would not have any wool pulled over his eyes by those who wish to destroy the trade. Basically, he knows the trade inside out, is no fool and being both streetwise and tuned in to all the nuts and bolts of the trade. Tony goes back to the days of another great stalwart (Alan Fleming) and the Metro owners club. Also, he knows when people in or out of the trade are taking the p*** & scamming it. It's a tragedy that others in the trade don't put themselves out in the same unselfish way as he does. A great but underused asset to the trade is Tony. Keep going Tony as all right minded drivers in the trade are with you all the way.