Monday, March 29, 2021

City of London Corporation unveils plans to pedestrianize areas around Bank Station

The City of London Corporation has today unveiled proposals to pedestrianize areas around Bank Tube Station to make the busy junction safer for walkers and cyclists.

Under the plans revealed this afternoon, Threadneedle Street could be closed for motor vehicles between Bank Junction and Bartholomew Lane in both directions to create a walking and cycling only area.

Cars and buses would also be banned between Queen Victoria Street between Bucklersbury and Bank Junction, except for vehicles exiting Walbrook in a westbound direction.

Princes Street would be open for buses and bicycles in a northbound direction.

The Corporation is also consulting on widening pavements around the junction to accommodate the large number of people who are expected to return to the area after lockdown.

The proposed design provides space for extra seating and green space, and is aimed at improving street safety.

Alastair Moss, chair of the City of London Corporation’s planning and transport committee, said: “Bank Junction has already undergone transformative change, from a busy and dangerous intersection to a safer and more pleasant environment for all.

“This proposal further builds upon those changes to continue the progression toward creating a world-class welcoming heart of the Square Mile, bounded by the iconic Bank of England, Royal Exchange and Mansion House.

“By making subtle changes to just a few of the arms of the junction, we will ensure the streets are even safer for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as being able to provide welcome improvements to the public realm in this busy part of the City.

“We encourage all of those who work, live and visit the City to provide their thoughts on the plan as we look forward to welcoming more people back to the Square Mile as the lockdown restrictions are eased.”

Source CityAM

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