Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Uber Clipper Shortlisted To Run Hammersmith Ferry Crossing On Behalf Of TfL As Boat Race Is Diverted Out Of London.

A warning sign has been attached to Hammersmith Bridge, announcing the bridge is in danger of collapsing. The closure of the bridge has caused the annual Oxford versus Cambridge boat race on the River Thames, which passes under the now structurally dangerous Victorian bridge, to be relocated outside of London. 

A ferry service is to be set up to carry pedestrians and cyclists across the River Thames, reducing the disruption caused by the closure said transport authority TfL. 

Built in 1887 by Sir Joseph Bazalgette, Hammersmith Bridge has been closed to motor traffic since April 2019 following the discovery of micro-fractures in its brittle cast iron pedestals.

In August 2020, it was also closed to pedestrians and cyclists plus river traffic beneath was banned after a sudden increase in the size of the fractures led to fears that it could collapse without warning.

The closure has cut off residential neighbourhoods on the southern side from the major transport and retail hub of Hammersmith on which many people depend for their daily needs.


Transport for London (TfL) said on Tuesday it had received two bids for a contract to operate a ferry capable of carrying a minimum of 800 pedestrians or cyclists an hour. 

It said it would announce the winning bidder in March, though it was unlikely the ferry would start operating before the summer. But let’s face it, as one of the bidders is Uber Clipper, we believe the result will be a forgone conclusion. 

 Plus, don’t be surprised if passengers booking their ferry trip are asked the magic question....do you want to continue your journey in an Uber car which will be waiting for you on the other side of the river.

The ferry would not hinder any repairs on the bridge, TfL said, though it is unclear when any fix will begin due to a lack of funding. Local campaigners allege, most of the money that should have been used has been ploughed into unlawful (according to the high court ruling by Mrs Justice Lange) road restrictions across London.

Engineers have estimated that fully restoring the bridge would take up to three years and cost up to 163 million pounds, an impossible sum to find for the local authority that owns it. A government task force is studying funding options.

Using  common sense and lateral thinking, cost of repairs is estimated at £163m. There is a mountain of £400m of unclaimed money left inactive on Oyster cards... 2+2 = cost of repairs sorted with money over!!!

As a result of the closure, the annual Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge universities, which usually passes under the bridge, will now take place outside of London this year for the first time since World War Two.

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