Monday, February 01, 2021

Update On Hammersmith Bridge: Worried Locals Fear No Way Of Crossing The River For At Least Another Decade.

Just as a quick update on what’s happening with Hammersmith Bridge. The task force meet on Thursday, and are now only meeting only once every three weeks, as clearly talks have broken down and they have nothing more to say to each other. 

The ferry is being delayed in every way imaginable. 

Labour Leader of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Stephen Cowan, is said to be blocking anyone who asks him about Hammersmith Bridge on Twitter. 

Worried local residents fear there won’t be any way of crossing the river for at least another decade. 

If you are affected by the closure of Hammersmith Bridge in any form or way, please be kind enough to fill in this mental health survey designed by the Barnes community association and Hammersmith bridge SOS, looking into the mental health effects of the bridge closure. Replies are 100% anonymous, although comments may be used for publicity or lobbying purposes. 

It only takes two minutes to fill-in and we would be really grateful if you could do this, get your children to do this and share it with anyone you think might find it helpful.


It seems amazing that the borough can find the money for cycle lanes and Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme, yet struggles to find the funding to repair the bridge. 

Councillors are using the situation as a political football, blaming everyone else except for theirselves over the delays. 

The whole situation is a complete shambles. 


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