Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Furious Cyclist To Sue Council After Hitting Spaces For People Bollard

An Edinburgh cyclist has threatened to sue Edinburgh Council after sustaining painful injuries when he collided with "Spaces for People" infrastructure.

Lachlan Will, 21, was left dazed and bloodied last Friday after his bike smashed into a so-called "orca" bollard while trying to manoeuvre into, what he believed to be, a segregated cycle lane. 

According to the council, the lane was actually a widened footpath - which has been rolled out as part of the "Space for People" initiative - but the local authority had failed to remove the cycle sign on the road.

Recalling the frightening incident, Lachlan said: "I just came up Leith Street and past the bus stop to what I thought was a segregated cycle lane a few metres ahead of me.”

The next thing the 21-year-old knew, he had hit the pavement. He explained that while he saw the orange posts he did not see the grey and white blocks at ground level, adding “that’s what I actually hit”.

He continued: “I went over the handlebars and landed pretty much face first, luckily I was wearing a helmet because it’s got a pretty big dent in it.

“I hadn’t realised the full scale of it. I don’t think I passed out but all I remember is waking up on the road with two people standing above me. I stood up and realised my face was just dripping with blood.

“I ended up having to get help in McDonald's on St Andrew Square because there is nowhere else that’s open and I couldn’t think where else to go to get help.

"I felt so bad for the people working, I had to pry open the sliding doors and had blood down all down me, it must have been such a sight.”

A police officer, who happened to be near the scene when the incident happened, then had to help the shaken cyclist find his glasses before giving him a plaster for the wound on his nose.

The frontline care worker was initially hesitant to go to the hospital, aware of the risks it posed amid the pandemic.

He said: “My friends suggested I went to A&E but I phoned NHS 24 first because I’m a care worker, so didn’t want to go if I could avoid it.

A cycle sign had not been removed by the council

Adding that “it was not a decision that I wanted to take lightly”, Lachlan continued: “I ended up having to go to the Royal Infirmary and the doctor glued the cut on the bridge of my nose and gave me a leaflet for a suspected broken nose."

Lachlan, who is an experienced cyclist and motorcyclist, insists this could happen again if it’s not fixed, warning that his injuries could have been much worse.

“There certainly wasn’t any signage, all there is was a massive bike sign where the blocks were", he said.

The essential worker is now looking to sue the council after incurring damages in the accident.

He explained: “I will have to get new glasses and a new helmet because my one is done and I’m not going to risk wearing it again. If I had gone to A&E and contracted Covid I also wouldn’t have been able to go back to work, it could have gone a lot of different ways."

Roz Boynton, specialist cycling Solicitor at Cycle Law Scotland, commented: “We are concerned at the number of incidents where cyclists are being injured following a collision with these orcas.

"The ‘Spaces for People’ programme enabled these semi-segregated lanes to be created, but from what I have seen on the ground, the design and layout in places leaves a lot to be desired and presents a serious hazard to cyclists, especially when it’s dark and raining.”

Lachlan came head first off his bike

A Council spokesperson said: “The area pictured is a widened footpath introduced as part of Spaces for People, providing more room for people to physically distance and to cross the road safely.

“While there is a bollard in place at the end of this area to emphasise that it is not an open-ended lane, we will be amending the road markings to further highlight this.”


How to spot cowardly FAKE NEWS in the media. 

They have a new trick now on Twitter and FaceBook, they make the statement, then turn off the comments. 

They don’t like you coming back with the truth. 

Any post made on Twitter or Facebook where the comment section has been turned off, should be disregarded. 

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