Monday, January 18, 2021

WWII Veteran Fred Faulkner dies aged 99 : The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans was saddened to hear of the death of WWII veteran Fred Faulkner, on Sunday 10 January 2021

Fred was born in Walton-on-the-Hill in 1921, the middle son of five boys. In 1940 he joined the war effort and enrolled in the Royal Navy travelling the world from Australia to America.


In 1947, Fred married Ella, they had two children Alan and Maureen, six grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. 

He was a keen golfer and had a lifetime association with the Walton Heath Artisans Golf Club. He held every position from barman to Captain and worked in the locker room until he was 92.

Fred Faulkner in Portsmouth with the Taxi Charity 2019 (on the right of the cannon wearing sunglasses)


Fred was a regular on Taxi Charity trips and in 2019 joined the Taxi Charity on a trip to Portsmouth where during the three-day trip, he spent time talking to young naval ratings before an emotional visit to the D Day command centre in Southwick House.


Alan Faulkner, Fred’s son, said, “In his later years Dad enjoyed the camaraderie of the wonderful Taxi Charity for Military Veterans. They organise trips abroad and at home for veterans of all services. Dad has been with them to France. 

Holland, Belgium, Worthing, and Portsmouth several times. The veterans are treated like the VIP’s that they are. They shed twenty years in age when they get together. I have been on a few trips as Dad’s carer and it is truly humbling listening to their tales of past exploits.”


Dick Goodwin, Vice President of the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans said, “Fred was a wonderful man whose company was always a joy. 

The young navy ratings that he took time to talk to during a Taxi Charity visit to Portsmouth in 2019 were totally enthralled by his stories. He will be greatly missed by everyone in the Taxi Charity family.”


Veterans can find out more about support from the Taxi Charity at



About the Taxi Charity

The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans was formed in Fulham in 1948, to work for the benefit, comfort and enjoyment of military veterans and arranges many trips every year for veterans from all conflicts.

The charity offers international trips to The Netherlands, Belgium and France, UK day trips to concerts or museums, transport to attend fundraising events, as well as special days out to catch up with friends and comrades.

To fund and facilitate these outings, the charity is wholly reliant on generous donations from members of the public, businesses and trusts and the amazing group of London licensed taxi drivers who offer their time and vehicles free.

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