Monday, January 25, 2021

The Government, to its great shame, has supported road closure schemes while hiding behind councils.

Last week saw a powerful victory in the High Court for drivers, when Mrs Justice Lang ruled that Sadiq Khan and Transport for London had taken “advantage of the pandemic” to wage what one might call a war on cars.

If they had proceeded “more cautiously” with road closures and cycle lanes, and on the basis of evidence “rather than conjecture”, their plans might have served a purpose. 

What they produced instead was “unfair” and “irrational”, designed to “transform” parts of London into car-free zones.

Local authorities have seized upon the coronavirus – cynically exploiting a human tragedy – to carve out their vision of a post-car fantasy, regardless of the impact upon the elderly, the disabled, emergency services, business, taxis or residents who suddenly find a short journey is transformed into a lengthy crawl down a single carriageway. 

Often past an enlarged cycle lane with no bicycles in it.

We have seen a similar policy in a number of other cities across Britain, with major changes being imposed without thought or meaningful consultation.

The fight continues: Mr Khan is appealing, and we are informed that at least 10 residents’ groups across the country, are now seeking a judicial review next month to try to overturn road closures and pop-up cycle lanes. 

The Government, to its great shame, has supported these schemes while hiding behind councils.

It should now rethink and realise that while it’s a great idea to make walking and cycling easier, this should not come at the expense of motorists. 

It can be done, but it will take time and cost money; and the best way to reduce emissions is to electrify cars, not ban them. 

But what I sent I’ve is their time buy expensive electric vehicles, when you can’t use them on so many roads and will be stuck in gridlock, most of the time? 

In the meantime, the vast majority of these so called “temporary”, supposedly Covid-related road schemes... should be reversed and only permitted when there is clear evidence of support–as with a local referendum – that extends beyond the road immediately affected. 

This is the one culture war that the Tories have so far been on the wrong side of.


This is what it’s always been about! 

It’s not about safety or greener’s all about the money. 

Another question that we seriously believe deserves an answer:

Why didn’t Khan and  TfL appeal this?

October, 2020...CS11 BLOCKED: Westminster City Council wins legal challenge against Transport for London, meaning cycle scheme will not go ahead in current form

Meanwhile in Regent Street!

 We are totally confused .... Westminster City Council have taken road space away from traffic, to make social distance walking easier.....then dumped a load of Planters on the pavement, taking up the pavement space they wanted for social distance. 

Headless chickens springs to mind  #streetSpaceStrikesAgain

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