Sunday, December 20, 2020

Working Taxis: What We Can And Can’t Do? We Need Accurate Guidelines From TfL Or Our Own Trade Representatives

Although both the UCG and LCDC have posted on Twitter links to the government statement on Taxis and Private Hire, it’s still not clear exactly what we can or can’t do. 

It would be helpful if one or more of our representative orgs or unions put out a simplified but definitive statements on what we as Taxi drivers can or can’t do under tier 4 lock down? 

The LTDA has only posted TfLTPH's statement......about as much use as a tube map to someone lost in the Amazon rainforest, exactly what we would expect from both the LTDA and TfL.

Government statement on Coronavirus Taxis and private hire update 20th December 2020. As posted on Twitter by the UCG and the LCDC.


The only thing we have to go on is a post someone put out on Facebook that says:

As far as my Taxi light to us are concerned I’ve cancelled them all now. 

My mate David tried working today, and said there’s several police roadblocks in town.

Police want to know where they’re going and where they came from, and TfL are doing the same thing as well. 

Police have stated that cabbies doing tours who are caught, will have their licence suspended immediately and will face a fine. 

So watch out for the road blocks, be careful, because I believe you are taking a huge risk. End. 

Once again I will repeat this was a post put out on social media (Facebook). 

We must also remember that many drivers are not on social media. 

Do TfL expect drivers to give passengers the third degree?

After all, we are just Taxi drivers and not trained detectives, therefore we must not under any circumstance be held responsible for any breach of the Covid conditions carried out by potential passengers. 

TfL notice 20/21

The statement on social media about police road blocks and TfL PCOs saying they will suspend the licenses of drivers undertaking unessential journies, conflicts with the latest TfL notice (20/21) which says drivers of Taxis and PRivate Hire vehicles should carry on working as normal.....we urgently need this clarifiesd. 

However...I do believe it’s fair to say that Christmas Light tours are off the menu for now. 

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