Thursday, December 17, 2020

Khan quick to capitalise on 9 year old's tragic death, but will it come back to haunt him.

Sadiq Khan waisted little time trying to make political capital out of yesterday’s coroners verdict, that a 9 year old death was attributed to toxic pollution.

Khan tweeted:

This is a landmark moment and thanks to years of campaigning by Ella’s mother Rosamund, who has shown an extraordinary amount of courage. I'm pleased to have supported the family in their efforts to secure justice. Today must now be a turning point.

Toxic air pollution is a public health crisis. Ministers and the previous Mayor have acted too slowly in the past, but they must now learn the lessons from the Coroner’s ruling and do much more to tackle the deadly scourge of air pollution in London and across the country.

But Khan’s attempt to capitalise on this tragedy, may come back to haunt him.

Rosamund Kissi-Debrah’s who’s daughter Ella died in 2013 when she was just nine years old after suffering three years of seizures from severe asthma attacks as they lived yards from the South Circular Road in Forest Hill. 

But Rosamund, a leading environmental campaigner said "the surge in traffic by my home following recent traffic calming projects is like a slap in the face”. 

Perhaps Khan may now like to reconsider the damage that he, his deputies, along with TfL and certain local borough councillors have done to the capital. 

Will he now admit, that the recent Low Traffic Neighbourhood restrictions, virtually unused segregated cycle lanes and Bus only gates, which have caused so much extra pollution from the ensuing gridlock (as witnessed in places such as Euston Road, Chiswick High Road and Old Street) were a huge mistake....

Will he now reverse this restrictions and scrap the cycle lanes?

Also, will he reverse the decision to carry on buying diesel busses and vans for TfL?

Will he now stop using his two diesel Range Rovers?

Will he now stop the licensing of over 300 extra private hire cars a week?

And will he also denounce the news earlier this week that toxic pollution levels were down by 94% as fake news?

Or is this statement today just another PR stunt, for Khan to carry on lying and cheating the public to expand his own personal agendas and vanity projects?

On one hand Khan is using the unfortunate death of this young girl to promote the call for zero carbon, yet on the other hand, he and his team of TfL planners and deputies, are personally responsible for increasing the pollution causing gridlock around the capital.  

Also, we must never overlook the actions of local borough councillors, especially when the council elections come around. 

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