Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Is The Ex-Chief Operating Officer For Surface Transport Now Treating Paramedics With The Same Contempt He Had For The Taxi Trade?

Last week, Garrett Emmerson CEO of the London Ambulance service, gave evidence to the GLA on a Zoom cast, stating that ambulances in London had experienced 'NO' problems with the new LTN closures?


However, it had already been published in the Southwark News on the 20th November, that paramedics under his command had complained that lives were put at risk. 

The medics complained they were delayed to at least two life-threatening seizures in Southwark alone!


Paramedics say they have been delayed on 999 calls to patients in life-threatening conditions because their sat navs have not recognised new ‘low traffic’ roadblocks.

Medics complained of delays getting to at least two people having life-threatening fits in Southwark.

So, is Mr Emmerson not listening to his medics in the same way he wouldn’t listen to taxi drivers when he was chief operating officer with TfLTPH ?

Ambulance stuck on A24 Tooting Bec yesterday - blue lights and siren emergency call, going nowhere because traffic cannot get out of way because of bollards on new cycle lane

We also saw headlines like this

But Garrett Emmerson told the GLA that this isn’t happening !!!

Remember we saw Garrett along with Helen Chapman on a walk about with Eddie Nestor and representatives from the Taxi trade openly touted in the streets of soho.... and yet, did nothing about it, not even reporting the tout.


They said that no one in the group had made a complaint about the incident, even though both Emmerson and Chapman carry a form of warrant card which allows them to caution touts and report them back to TfLTPH licensing (Chapmans department).



Questions need to be asked:
Did Garrett Emmerson lie to the GLA ?
And if so... Why???

Was this hypocritical support for TfL and the Mayors ludicrous road closures pay back, for being given his new position as CEO of the London Ambulance Service???

Is there a case here of malfeasance ???

Also, will the GLA be calling on Mr Emmerson again to explain himself in light of this new evidence ???
Or has the GLA, really got no power whatsoever???

Read the full article published in the Southwark News online. 

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