Monday, December 28, 2020

Deputy Mayor Heidi Ignores Government Tier 4 Guidelines And Plays Monopoly On The Streets Of London.

On Sunday, while most people were staying home under tier four virtual lockdown regulations, unable to visit other hous holds or even elderly relitives, we had Sadiq Khan’s the deputy Mayor for Transport, not only out on a jolly up all over London, but also heavily boasting about it on social media. 

While residents of London followed government guidelines and were told by the Mayor to only make ‘essential journeys’... his deputy Heidi Alexander and her companion were out, all over London playing a game, cycling to all the street names mentioned on the Monopoly board game. 

Was this a mistake on her part or a blatant disregard for the rules that everyone else have been told to follow. Is she really so full of self-importance that she feels the rules don’t apply to her?

This is unacceptable and can not even be considered as exercise as she travelled so far from where she actually lives in Lewisham. 

Part of her job as deputy mayor must surely be to understand the rules of tier 4. 

But again (talking of rules) this again appears to be one rule for her and her companion, but a different rule for everyone else. 

Why would a senior member of Sadiq Khan’s Mayoral staff think it's ok to make such an unnecessary journey all over London at this time, when she could have easily stuck to her local area for exercise. 

It was also a serious lack of judgement on her behalf to post this on social media. 

  • Did the mayors advice to stay local for exercise, where possible,  changed? 
  • Can we all now go out for a “jolly” on our bikes, all over London? 
  • Was her tweet appropriate when so many Londoners are losing their jobs/homes/minds/lives? 
  • Or, don’t the rules apply to some?

Heidi has done herself no favours with this episode and has lost all of what’s left of her credibility for the position she holds. 


Can we now gain some clarity please on Heidi’s decision to travel the four corners far and wide across a tier 4 area in direct contravention of government guidelines. 

Dominic Cummings/Kay Burley etc all rightly sacked or suspended for ignoring government guidelines!!!


What will now happen to Heidi???

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