Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Another Data Breach Of Your Personal Information To A Third Party ...By TfL

         WARNING TfL Data Breach ⛔️

It appears TfLTPH  have again breached the data protection act and given all our details to a third party.

If you get an email from Taxidriverandprivatehire.Survey@tns.kantarsurvey-v.com

Don’t open it, don’t reply or click on any links.

This isn’t the first time TfL have given your details to a third party. 

I have asked on multiple occasions about previous leaks of our data to third parties but every time I ask, I meet a wall of silence. 

Of course the usual suspects are blowing smoke up TfLs arse saying “they only want to promote us 😂😂😂

The question remains:

Why have they gone to a third party to do a survey they should only be doing in-house 

How many TfL employees are furlowed working from home, who could have done this legally, for next to nothing through TfL’s own systems ???

Checks should also be made to see if any TfL senior staff have connections financial or otherwise in this company. 

We’ve been told TfL were bankrupt, they’ve been to the government cap in hand twice in just a few months!!!

And yet they can still afford this ???

Any data leak need to be investigated, but like the 13,000 fake private hire DBS certificates, the TaxiReviews scandal 2018, has been swept under the carpet. 


Those who have been in the trade long enough will also remember the cover up over the stolen blank driver bills, that stated turning up for sale on the black market, for £1,000 a pop, complete and filled in with driver details plus a metal badge.  

Apparently, these blank bills went missing in the move from Penton Street to Palestra. 

Contact your MP and tell them what’s going on here with TfLTPH. 

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