Sunday, November 29, 2020

Royal Borough Of Kensington and Chelsea, A Council That Listened To Its Residents And Business Community.

RBKC have written to business owners, informing them that they have instructed council officers to remove the “Temporary Cycle Lanes” from Kensington High Street from 2nd of December. 

The say that the system was implemented to attach shoppers to the area, but instead it has had the reverse affect. 

The council has been in talks with the Kensington Business Forum, Kensington and Chelsea Chamber of Trade m, as well as resident groups from along the high street who are demanding the removal of the cycle lanes, so they can make the most of what’s left of the normally busy holiday season. 

Also, the groups complained that the congestion caused by the lanes is unacceptable. 

Two Tory politicians, Tony Devenish and MP Felicity Buchan, voiced their support for removing the lane in Kensington, saying the scheme 'hasn't worked'.

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea initiative has cost an estimated £700,000 and was completely funded by a near bankrupt Transport for London (TfL). 


This is a council that has listened to its residents, and it's acting of their behalf. 

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea initiative has cost an estimated £700,000 and was completely funded by a near bankrupt Transport for London (TfL). 

Meanwhile, over in the republic of Hackney....they are taking their residents back to the Stone Age. 

Because of the onslaught of road closures, they have come up with this vehicle, after the Fire service complained that the restrictions were causing life threatening delays to fire crews. 

If your house was on fire, is this what you would like to see turning up as a response from your 999 call ???  

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