Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Help Dispel The Big Lie : The Council Want To Break You, Show Them We Are Unbreakable 1pm Wednesday

A so called local residents group, have claimed that in a recent survey they organised, 90% (yes that’s 90%) of those who received the survey voted in favour of the council restrictions. 

The survey, we are told, was hand delivered by volunteers to residents in the afflicted area over a four week period. 

In an article in the Islington Gazette, this apparent resident group said they hand delivered 10,000 leaflets through the letterboxes of homes affected by the council’s “people friendly streets” scheme in St Peter’s, the area bordered by Caledonian Road, Holloway Road, Canonbury Road, Essex Road and Pentonville Road.

The amazing thing is that another group (Ludicrous Road Closures), one that opposes the scheme, with over 3,300 members, the majority living within this targeted area.... when asked, not one member said they received this survey. 
Funny that!!!  

THE BIG LIE:::::๐Ÿ™„
It’s well known amongst agencies that peddle propaganda, that if you make a lie big enough and tell it often enough, then people will start to believe it as the truth. 

Reading through the article, it’s alleged that 353 surveys were completed with 315 in favour (let’s not forget, this is out of 10,000 leaflets).

The Gazette headline proclaimed this as equating to a whopping 90% of residents in favour -not exactly right- as so few of the people who actually received a copy, bothered to fill in the survey.

Another little untruth that pops up in the article, is the playing down of the effect from the restrictions. 

It proposed that people used cut through residential streets to knock just 20 seconds off a journey, rather than stay on the main roads..... Funny thing is that’s not what the emergency services said about response times when the restriction first went in. 

The council had to quickly rethink the restrictions and remove a number of bollards to let ambulances and fire trucks through, after dangerous, deadly delays were reported. 

Again, funny how the Gazette, Tribune and Islington council have ignored the 5k plus signatures the protest group have acquired against these traffic restrictions yet hold up 315 in favour as a 90% landslide in favour!!!

But then, as they say.... never let the truth get in the way of a good story. 
And Now For A Little coincidence::::๐Ÿ™„
Who is behind this survey?
Well it’s none other than our old friend John Hartley, of London Living Streets, WC1 (that’s Camden BTW). 

The same John Hartley (London Living Streets) who suggested in an open letter to Camden Council -published in the Tribune- what a great idea it would be to stop through traffic, by closing off the north end of Judd Street from Euston Road, leaving clear access and exit for cyclists and pedestrians only!!!

The very same John Hartley (LLS WC1) who cross examined Ray Alleeson at the Tavistock Place Public Inquiry, published https://camdencyclists.org.uk/2017/10/taviplace/

If you believe you’ve been misrepresented by the Gazette and mr John Hartley, and you have nothing planned for this Wednesday, 5th August 2020, come along and join like minded people outside Islington Town Hall 1pm... 

What happened to Islington Green Party Air Quality Consultation response 2019-2023 by GLA Cllr Caroline Russell. 

Number 1 ) on her agenda was to protect the vulnerable.... is closing off streets more like discrimination towards people who can not walk or ride a bike ???

Number 2 ) keeping traffic moving healthily....surely kettling traffic on main roads is not keeping it healthily moving but causing even more pollution from the Insuring congestion 

Number 3 ) better air quality...well I think that’s covered in number 2.

So that’s a full house of failure from the very green councillor. 

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