Saturday, June 06, 2020

New Directive From TfL, As Clear As Mud. 🤔🤔🤔

The Taxi and private hire trades have now been informed by the latest TfL notice, that from the 15th of June, they SHOULD wear a face covering at all times when in a Taxi or private hire vehicle.

    Notice that they say 'Should' and not 'Must'.
This notice was discussed by our new coalition (LCDC, UCG, LTDA) in their conference call with TfL on Friday afternoon.
Taxi leaks asked LCDC chairman Grant Davis if anyone had questioned this notice and he replied: "I did ask and they said you have to wear one as it’s the new safety rules on public transport".

As far as we've been told by Sadiq Khan, (in order for him to expel us from certain bus lanes and in certain circumstance whole streets) we’ve been taken out of the public transport sector. In Khan’s words we come under private transport and not public. 

If this has indeed changed, and we are back in the public transport sector, then legally, where buses go, Taxis must be able to go! 

In our opinion (going by the way the notice was carefully worded) this is no more than a suggestion and not an enforceable TfL commandment. 

We can see why private hire drivers should wear face masks as they are breaking social distancing rules being in close confinement with their passengers, while Taxis have the added security of a heavy plastic see through partition which, with a little bit of extra work can be made practically air tight. 

If these plastic screens can’t protect a driver or passenger, then how can wearing an old pair of pants on your face offer better protection.....again, if this is the case then why are there plastic protective screens in supermarkets and shops and why are the cashiers not wearing just scarves??? 

We are the most professional Taxi service in the world and have again become victim to a completely amateur regulator. 
Let’s hope that when the new commissioner takes the reigns from Mike 'on side' Brown, things will change for the good. But, to be honest as Andy Byford was hand picked by Khan, I personally won’t be holding my breath. 

We are hearing from TfL that all tube and bus passengers will be required to wear face masks, staff will be handing out masks to the public at most tube stations from Monday.... so where are our masks
If I’m approached on a rank by an over enthusiastic PCO and he asks “where is your mask?”
I’ll look straight at him and say “that’s right mate, where are MY masks?”.

We’ve also been informed that passenger in Taxis and private hire cars 'must' wear protective face masks. 
Again we would point towards our protective screen and say this is again, not enforceable. 

Taxi leaks has asked TfL for a clear and concise definition of this latest notice but so far, we’ve had no reply...

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