Sunday, March 22, 2020

While Hero Taxi Drivers Are Working Free Of Charge To Support NHS Staff And Charities, Ministers In Talks with Non-Tax Paying Uber

While Hero London Taxi drivers all over the capital are helping NHS staff and charities completely free of charge, government minister are in talks stringing up a deal with non-tax paying Uber. 

While all London Taxi drivers are heavily regulated, fully insured and have completed enhancedcriminal record checks, ministers are striking a deal with a company unlicensed and currently only operating while on appeal, after being refused a licence by TfL for being not fit and proper to carry the public for hire and reward. 

Uber have been plagued by reports of their drivers raping, seriously sexually assaulting and defrauding passengers. Uber drivers have been arrested for planning terrorist attacks, drug running and carrying weapons. Also it’s not uncommon for drivers to be prosecuted for operating without the proper insurance. 

Last year 13,000 of their drivers were reported in the national media for having fake criminal record DBS certificates and buying medicals on line. 

 Yet ministers are ready to hand this company a contract to ferry NHS staff to and from work. 

1) Thanks to London Taxi driver Stewart,  for helping to delivery our Easter egg donations and snacks and coffee to everyone at the Great Ormond Street charity. 

Top fella who did this selfless act free of charge, even during these uncertain times. 

2) Arrived at Morrison’s supermarket and found this excellent human being, offering Taxi rides home to elderly and disabled customers completely free of charge. 

No work on the street unrealistic waiting times on station ranks, and rather than sitting at home doing nothing, this London Taxi hero decided he would rather spend his day helping those in genuine need. 

3) This sign in a Taxi window was spotted on the rank at Kings Cross Station ‘NHS workers, ride for free, just show your ID. 

This sign and similar signs have been spotted all over London Taxi driver heroes, offering to give there services free of charge to help NHS workers. 

These heroes stories have been seen all over social media, but virtually nothing in the press or on TV news channels. 

Yet as a kick in the teeth to the trade, we read this in the press. 

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