Monday, March 30, 2020

The Nightmare Continues As NHS Considers Alleged Contaminated Lift Offers For Front Line Staff

Until just a few weeks ago, the so-called sharing economy was flourishing and definitely looked like it was the future. 

Enjoyed mostly by young people, (or so the story goes), they do not like owning things, preferring instead to rent everything from cars, bikes and scooters... to holiday homes like AirBnB.

But faced with a pandemic, such as the one we are currently living through, the problem with renting is that other people have usually touched them first. 

Shared scooters, and bicycles, which once appeared to be a fun, convenient way of getting look likely to be contaminated vectors for a disease that could prove to be fatal. 

The shared economy business, that once looked so promising, depends on the ability to travel, or at least to leave the house. Under present circumstances, this has been rendered millions of people worldwide are now suspect to social distancing measures.

The likes of AirBnB, Ola, Bolt, Uber and Jump....have seen their business plummet during this worldwide pandemic. 

In several cities, housing markets have been flooded with properties previously advertised on Airbnb, as tourism and business travel dwindles to nothing... driving prices down dramatically. 

And yet with all the dangers involved with the sharing economy, it seems the NHS, government and local councils appear to be welcoming Uber and Scoot’s offer of free shared car rides and free bicycle loans for their front line staff. 

This is of course another Uber PR scam, we’ve seen this before (December 2019)with NHS staff offered free rides and free food, not being able to access the service with faulty codes.

NHS staff were left hungry and out in the cold, after the discount code that promised the discounts and free rides failed to work.

Many NHS staff, said they were unable to access the service, when the promotional code failed to work. To add insult to injury, when customers complained, they were just told services in their area were "unavailable". After all the press publicity, London proved to be one of the ares the service was unavailable in. (Source The Sun)

All the controversy, the overcharging, the frauds, the fake documentation, the imposters, the sexual assaults, the rapes...just one scandal after another...and yet this is the mob that the disabled lobby group ‘Transport for All’ have gone into partnership with. 

Local councillors, government politicians, regulatory directors and even magistrates have all covered for this company time and time again. Some even alleged to have been found to have financial links with the company.... you couldn’t make it up

In What Appears To Be A Recurring Nightmare, NHS Welcomes Ubers Offer Of Free Rides In Contaminated Ride-Share Vehicles And Use Of Unsanitary Jump Cycles.  

Instead of this terrifying offer, putting staff lives at risk, perhaps Uber should consider paying back the massive £1.4bn Tax bill it is alleged to owe HMRC. just imaging what the NHS could do with that right now ???
See link 👇👇👇

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