Thursday, March 26, 2020

Important Update To Drivers With Expired TfL Plates, Driver Licence Renewals And MOT Certificates

Taxi Leaks received this query below yesterday. We have now researched this and will answer below  

Received a telephone call from a chap on a withheld number, telling me that the NSL testing centre where I had booked an appointment was closed. 

When asked for written clarification by letter or email he refused. 

When I asked (what seemed for him to be awkward questions for him to answer)... he just hung up. 

I then rang TFL, call went into a generic answer machine then hung up. 

I attended a NSL test centre on appointment day, only to find it was closed with sign outside saying “for more information check TFL website”. 

I went on line and checked the TFL website, but no information appeared to be available. 

So cannot contact TFL, cannot replate or test taxis, cannot rebook or book any tests. Cannot get any information on how to proceed. 

Chap on the phone said that I  could not drive the taxi on an expired plate, but then he really did not seem to know anything and just wanted to hang up.

Taxi Leaks Advice To All Taxi Drivers Who’s TfL Licence Has Expired. 

Under the Transport Act 1985 sec17(7) as long as you complied in full with all the conditions, if there is any hold up in renewals to your Taxi driver or vehicle licence, your old licence stays valid until you are in receipt of a new licence or your old licence is revoked 

We’ve put this to TfL and they appear to be dragging their feet. 
It is clear and been confirmed by Leon Daniels on behalf of Sir Peter Hendy that your old plate (under these circumstances) stays valid until such time as you can arrange and attend another appointment with NSL. 

TfL said it wasn’t clear on where a driver stood legally with insurance, driving a Taxi with an expired plate.... so with the help of the LCDC chairperson Grant Davis, we contacted Plan Insurance who said:

Its okay, providing: 
A) your vehicle is road worthy
B) your local licensing authority has not told you to stop 

So providing you have not been personally told you can’t work then it’s ok. 

They added a caveat:
If you have an accident and it transpires you have bald tyres or worn brake pads etc, making the vehicle it unsafe, then you could be in trouble. 

We hope this is crystal clear, and to sum up 
If your vehicle plate expires while NSL are closed, your old plate stays valid and legally you can carry on working, as long as your vehicle is fully road worthy. 

The same applies to the half yearly MOT...

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps says drivers whose vehicles are due an MOT from 30th March 2020 will receive a six-month extension amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

If you haven’t already seen Leon Daniels email and would like to see it, please click link below 

Why is it that TfL constantly drag their feet on this subject and never reply with a definitive answer!

Taxi Leaks editor Jim Thomas contacted Sir Peter Hendy the first time there was a problem with Licence renewals, and drivers were being told that temporary licences had been scrapped and that they couldn't work. 

We pointed out the Transport Act 1985 sec17(7) to Sir Peter, and he apologised (through Leon Daniels) and agreed that drivers could in fact work untill their Licence renewal was either received or revoked.

Leon Daniels went further to say that this also applied to TfL vehicle plates.

Taxi Leaks has posted the email on many occasions and we have also sent copies back to new directors and managers at TfLTPH.....yet every time a driver asks if they can work, there seems to be a problem......There is no problem other than TfL have failed to put this Infomation in an accessible place on their extremely inadequate website. 

We will now be making an official complaint about this as we believe, this confusion is deliberate

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