Thursday, March 19, 2020

LEVC And Black Horse Offer TX Customers Three Months Payment Holiday

In response to the current Coronavirus crisis LEVC and Black Horse have agreed to support our customers by offering a 3 month suspension of finance payments on existing finance contracts. Anyone that has taken out a Black Horse finance product for the purchase of their TX can apply for this payment suspension. 

These are challenging times for everyone but the Taxi trade has endured many tough times over its long and proud history in London and many other UK cities. It will endure this one too! However, we’re aware that we can play a vital role is softening the impact of this current crisis and we recognise your efforts to keep working and keep Britain moving! 

We are hopeful that this current crisis will have passed in 3 months’ time and in the meantime this payment holiday is intended to bridge this period of uncertainty for all of our customers.

If you would like to register your interest for a 3 month payment holiday then please fill out the form on this page.

Once you have submitted this form you will receive an email within 48 hours that will explain clearly how to make a formal application to put this in place for your own agreement. We have asked you to identify the date of your next anticipated payment on this form however please do not make any alterations to your current direct debit or payment arrangements as this may jeopardise your eligibility for a break in future payments.

Please note that filling out this form is not part of the formal application process for a three month payment suspension. 

However, by registering your interest here you will be prioritised when processing of applications begins in the next 48 hours. Full details of the application process will be sent to you once this form has been submitted.

This is all we have so far from Mercedes 


Unfortunately, not everyone is as understanding as LEVC, Black Horse and Ascott’s....
But rest assured when this emergency is over... we will remember those who treated as well against 
those who treated the trade with contempt.

BREAKING NEWS 19/03/2020 Ascott Cabs suspend all vehicle rentals till first of March to help drivers at this difficult time. 
This statement from them:

*An update to all of our drivers - 19th March 2020*

As new reports of Covid-19 continue to develop, the welfare of our employees, customers and drivers is our highest priority.

This is not an easy time for the trade.

In light of the ongoing situation, we will be CANCELLING ALL RENTAL PAYMENTS for our fleet drivers from Monday 23rd March, until Friday 1st May 2020.

We hope that this gives you one less thing to worry about at such an uncertain time.

As much valued customers, we are committed to assisting you and keeping you as up to date as we possibly can.

Stay safe and well!

The Ascott Family.


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