Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fines For Idling To Increase From £20 To £80 In Central London...Follow The Money!!! Plus, Taxi Trade In Steep Decline

As we’ve said all along.... follow the money. 
We’ve seen one catastrophic traffic system disaster after another. Anyone with common sense could foretell the outcome of added congestion, added pollution, longer journey times... everyone that is except the planners! 

No one in their right mind could have made such a mess of the capitals transport system, so it has to be contrived. The proof being that not one council has held its hands up and said we were wrong, we made a mistake and reversed the system back to how it was previously.

Local councils and public bodies such as TfL give Londoners nothing, without looking forward towards a profit of sorts. The Bank Junction ban was never about cycle safety and better bus journey times...it was always about the money and since implementation we’ve seen the CoL making millions in fines. 

Ken Livingston’s philosophy of before you can charge for congestion (pollution), you have to create it, seems to have been taken seriously by London’s planners. 

And now, certain central London councils are set to profit from vehicles standing stationary in the congestion, as fines will be issued by an army of street wardens.   

This below from Air Quality News: 
Drivers who leave their engines on when stationary could be fined up to £80 under new powers approved by the City of London Corporation today (March 9).

The Planning and Transportation Committee has backed an improved approach to the (perceived) problem of idling by increasing the maximum fine to £80, it had previously been limited under the Environment Act to £20 if paid on time.

The project is funded by the Mayor of London’s air quality fund and it will see officers from 32 London authorities joining together to target idling engine drivers.

The officers will initially issue warning notices to drivers, with the prospect of an £80 fine for non-compliance.

The city corporation will also lobby the Department for Transport for new signs to be installed across the city to educate drivers on this restriction as air quality campaigners are calling the current system of enforcement ‘not fit for purpose’.

Just think about what’s happening here!
Most Diesel engines today are cleaner than ever before, most being euro 6. 

There are now more cleaner diesels, more fully electric vehicles, more hybrid cars, buses, delivery vans than ever before.... and yet poor air quality caused by gridlock congestion, is escalating and spreading across London like a virus. 

Yet TfL and local council seem to be blind to the cause and affect of their new traffic systems inflicted on motorists and in most cases against the will of residents. Biggest insult to Londoners are the consultations that TfL and councils appear to take no notice of. 

This latest announcement about the increase in fines proves what we have been saying all along. 

  • It’s never been about safer streets 
  • It’s never been about cycle safety
  • It’s certainly not about air quality 
  • It’s all about the money.... end of!

London’s Taxi Trade In Decline:
TfL official statistics for last 12 months, show a marked decline in the number of Taxi drivers and Taxis, while Private Hire increases at a rate of knots. 

824 Taxi drivers left the trade
1088 Taxi vehicles decommissioned


4735 private hire drivers up, 
111,176 in total 

8680 private hire vehicles extra
96,074 in total.

Also, we’ve seen a massive decline in the number of Knowledge of London students 

Less than 1000 total candidates on the Knowledge of London

56’s - 471
28’s - 302
21’s - 170

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