Sunday, February 02, 2020

Cross Border Hire...The Law Does Not Need Changing...It Just Needs Enforcing.

Cross Border Hire...The Law Does Not Need Changing...It Just Needs Enforcing

Watch the video below which explains the law on cross border hiring in great detail.


Have a look at this post in the morning star, this is how all the media should have reported the unacceptable rise in rape and sexual assault figures from TfL.
It should not go unnoticed that most MSM massaged this statistics and tried desperately to make it look as if Black Cab Taxis were also included which they were not.

Click this link 👇

Trying to defend the lies told in the Evening Substandard the author of the post Ross Lydall said that TfL actually hadn’t made a distinction between Taxis and Private hire drivers in the statistics they posted to the media.
When challenged Lydall then did what everyone does when found out trying to discredit Taxi drivers... he through John Worboys name into the mix 😂😂😂

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