Tuesday, January 14, 2020

TfL Compliance Officers Exceeding Their Authority, Again. ...Complaint From Tony Casey

TfL Staff are at it again....Taxi Leaks received  a report from Tony Casey, that COs are again refusing to show Taxi drivers their ID photo cards which are on the reverse of their Deputy Badge. 

This is completely against regulation, as Garrett Emmerson pointed out back in 2017, they are obliged to show their ID cards on request....just as Taxi drivers have to produce and show their Taxi drivers licence when requested by a PCO or police officer.

Tony’s note to Taxi Leaks:
Just got badge and bill checked by tfl compliance. Sadly they are up to their old tricks and are reluctant to show the warrant card on the back of their deputy badge and refused point BLANK to allow me to photograph the warrant card for my records.

The compliance officer was a fellow called Samuel and the senior member of the team said I was not allowed to photograph his identity card.

This is false, could you please repost my advice from July 2017 to remind drivers of their RIGHTS.

Remember all police officers carry warrant card and willing to show them to you at all times. TFL staff appear to be a LAW unto themselves

Tony has asked us to repost this advice put out after CO troubles of 2017. 

Never show your badge/bill to any compliance officer who says he is from Transport for London, showing you only their deputy badge -which are available on ebay (almost identical) for less than a fiver including the leather wallet.

Don't be intimidated:
EVERY compliance officer has a warrant type card, the same type as carried by all policeman.

ASK to see it clearly and use your phone to make a clear photo of it, the full name of the TFL staff member,only then comply with their request but never sign anything.

Remembering to switch off your engine first before touching your phone- then film the whole compliance check for your own reference. 
The law allows this.

Remember TfL staff cannot be trusted...eighteen months ago, the Head of the compliance training team made a false complaint to the City Police at the Sugar Quay (Shine Charity walk event ) saying that I'd been drinking.
I am teetotal and stopped drinking over 40 years ago.

His boss Garret Emmerson had to apologise in writing to me after a letter was sent from Grant Davis of the LCDC on my behalf making an official complaint. 

Mr Khalil Sarr the former night compliance manager has now gone to London Buses.

Tony Casey

Also from 2017, this undercover CO refused to identify himself to driver... who then refuses to let him examine Badge and Bill.

Most drivers have nothing to hide and wouldn't be worried about about a PCO looking at their bill, but be warned, we have in the past had instances of CO imposters taking photos of drivers bills. The information contained on your bill is a valuable commodity to counterfeiters.

TrL's statements should now clear this issue up, straight from the horses mouth (so to speak) 

If a CO wants to check your Badge/ Bill/Insurance, they must first show their ID (not badge). It is a card that authorises them to carry out the document examination. 

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