Sunday, December 29, 2019

Last Year, Taxi Leaks Exposed TfL’s Agenda To Split The Trade With ZEC Only Ranks.

We explained how TfL would use the new LEVC TXe to split the trade even further, (with a little help from their on-side friend).

While previously 'Project Horizon' looked to destroy the two tier system, swallowing the Taxi trade into an ever expanding private hire system, we exposed allegations that TfL were now bent on just obliterating the trade by introducing a new tier into the Taxi trade itself, to divide the drivers even further and make them even more susceptible to divide and conquer. 

At an all trade TOPS meeting, it was announced by TfL, that there were to be certain rewards for "Green Pioneers" who have made the investment in LEVC TXe. 

The subject of TXe only ranks and access to certain bus lanes was bought up at the very end of the meeting, (leaving no time for discussion on the issue).

Taxi Leaks exposed that this would come in the shape of ZEC only ranks and bus lanes, with unique access to certain areas around central London and parts of the City. To back this up we posted images of the new signage and was immediately attacked by our largest org in their Taxi publication, of posting fake news (see below*).

According to images sent to us by the DoT back in 2018, the new ZEC only ranks and bus lanes signs were at the bequest of TfL. 

But then along came the ITA who held 28 weeks of protests which threw TfL onto their back foot. They decided to shelve (not scrap) the plans for a while. 

Protests were held by the ITA at the Bank Junction, London Bridge, Tottenham Court Road, Aldwych, Hyde Park Corner, Victoria Coach Station and Parliament Square. 

As the weeks unfolded support for the protests stayed set with the same band of 3-400 militant drivers, with the majority of drivers ignoring the facts and choosing to work. 


We now believe that because of the trades weak representation, with groups fighting amongst themselves rather than together for the trade, and with the militancy kicked out of the general rank and file, TfL will finally unveil their plans for ZEC only ranks and bus lanes.

With the LTDA and Unite voting against the minuting of meetings with TfL, (obviously embarrassed by their representation of their members) who knows what’s actually being agreed behind our backs. 

Our predictions for 2020...

Using the City of London, Camden and Tower Hamlets as whipping boys, we will now start seeing more routes made impossible, more streets taken away from the Vitos, the TX diesels.... bus lane access will soon start to diminish as it is given over to ZEC and on-line ride share buses. 

Under the banner of cleaner air, diesel Taxis will start to lose access to major Taxi ranks which will be for ZEC Taxis only. The signage is ready and in store.

When this happens, will we see pop up ranks appearing in front, behind and beside the ZEC only ranks as virtual civil war breaks out amongst the trade. 

Also.... look out for the introduction of paid for permits to certain major ranks, plus the introduction of drop off fees at Heathrow and City Airport. 

*Back in October 2018, Taxi Leaks was accused in the Taxi paper, of posting fake news but after contacting the Department of Transport, we were able to ascertain proof that it was actually the Taxi publication and not us, that had posted the fake news by cropping their images and denying the new signs were for London. 

They even said the signs were meant for use in Manchester which as we showed, was untrue. 
We did ask for an apology but we are still waiting! 

Two Tower Hamlet groups have taken to blocking Militant and active Taxi drivers from their Twitter accounts. It seems they have much to hide. 

You might like to have a look at what Tower Hamlets have in store for you over the next few years.

The council is developing a new strategy (they say) to improve the way vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians move or don’t move around the borough.

These plans have just quietly appeared online over Christmas and are a must read !!!

With thanks to London Taxi PR's Andy Scott.

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