Wednesday, November 20, 2019

United Trade Action Group’s 3rd Letter To TFL Pre UBER Decision

3rd Legal Letter to TfL setting out again why Uber must not be relicensed on November 25th.
Dear UTAG Donator,

As you are aware the two-month licence granted to ULL on September 25th 2019 will expire on Monday next, November 25th.

TfL will then need to decide whether or not to renew or grant a further extension to the licence.

It is and always has been UTAG's opinion that ULL has never been, are not currently and never will be a Fit and Proper company to hold an Operators license. Nor do they have any intention of abiding by regulations or conditions placed upon them.

This third letter sets out in detail why Transport for London must not give ULL another licence.

Uber has had 4 chances to improve and are still as bad as they ever were. TfL must revoke without further delay.

Please click on the link below to read the letter.

Thank you for all your support.

Angela Clarkson


Noticing on Twitter, drivers are putting in to UTAG17 twice !!

Although I commend those drivers, but truthfully...they shouldn’t have to... There are approx 24,000 drivers out there.

Come on, stand up for YOURSELF!

TFL will walk all over us, if you don’t join UTAG17

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