Wednesday, November 13, 2019

If You Fail To Learn From History, You Are In Danger Of Repeating It

What is it about this greedy practise of up charging (or as we know it, surcharging) introduced by Gett on it’s passengers at certain times of the day, that drivers don’t understand. 

By charging customers a surge-price, it make them no better than Uber drivers. 

Gett can only function with this, if drivers support it, but by supporting it, you are hammering yet another nail in the trades coffin. 

Worst of all are certain Taxi trade media, that know this us going on, knew what was going on before with the cars on the app, and yet still take adverts from this company. 

The LCDC’s Badge publication, stopped taking adverts from Gett when it became crystal clear, the company was dispatching work to private hire cars through the Gett Taxi App. 

Gett do not have the required PHV operators licence which is a requirement under the PHV act of 1998. (Yes they do operate a Private Hire app... but legally, the Gett Taxi app can only dispatch work to licensed Taxis).

A question drivers should be asking, why are TfL sanctioning this practise when it clearly states in the abstract of Hackney Carriage Law, that it is illegal to charge a passenger more than the fare shown on the Taxi Meter, within the Greater Metropolitan Police District?

Is that no longer the case?
If I get a job late at night going in the opposite direction to the way I want to go, can I now legally demand a 66% up-charge???

Customers using the Gett app expect a licensed London Taxi and they don’t expect to be surcharged like Uber customers. 

Is this the reason why Get Taxi dropped the word Taxi from its bane because eventually they want to move away from Taxis? 

Was nothing learned from the Hailo saga. If you fail to learn from history, you are in danger of repeating it...

This practise alone, is blurring the lines and could eventually be seen as instrumental in the adoption of a one-tiered service (as with the covert Project Horizon, a TfL agenda recently denied by Mayor Khan at MQT). 

Below is an interview with a customer who is far from happy after receiving a 66% up charge on his bill. He says he will never use the app again. 

The Video Below Is A Must Watch:
Tweet from Taxi driver John on Twitter last night:
“So I just picked up this gentleman from the city and dropped him at Montague Square. He started the conversation off and I think you might be interested in this”.

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